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Rollback Deployment

Step-00: Introduction

  • We can rollback a deployment in two ways.
  • Previous Version
  • Specific Version

Step-01: Rollback a Deployment to previous version

Check the Rollout History of a Deployment

# List Deployment Rollout History
kubectl rollout history deployment/<Deployment-Name>
kubectl rollout history deployment/my-first-deployment  

Verify changes in each revision

  • Observation: Review the "Annotations" and "Image" tags for clear understanding about changes.
    # List Deployment History with revision information
    kubectl rollout history deployment/my-first-deployment --revision=1
    kubectl rollout history deployment/my-first-deployment --revision=2
    kubectl rollout history deployment/my-first-deployment --revision=3

Rollback to previous version

  • Observation: If we rollback, it will go back to revision-2 and its number increases to revision-4
    # Undo Deployment
    kubectl rollout undo deployment/my-first-deployment
    # List Deployment Rollout History
    kubectl rollout history deployment/my-first-deployment  

Verify Deployment, Pods, ReplicaSets

kubectl get deploy
kubectl get rs
kubectl get po
kubectl describe deploy my-first-deployment

Access the Application using Public IP

  • We should see Application Version:V2 whenever we access the application in browser
    # Get NodePort
    kubectl get svc
    Observation: Make a note of port which starts with 3 (Example: 80:3xxxx/TCP). Capture the port 3xxxx and use it in application URL below. 
    # Get Public IP of Worker Nodes
    kubectl get nodes -o wide
    Observation: Make a note of "EXTERNAL-IP" if your Kubernetes cluster is setup on AWS EKS.
    # Application URL

Step-02: Rollback to specific revision

Check the Rollout History of a Deployment

# List Deployment Rollout History
kubectl rollout history deployment/<Deployment-Name>
kubectl rollout history deployment/my-first-deployment 

Rollback to specific revision

# Rollback Deployment to Specific Revision
kubectl rollout undo deployment/my-first-deployment --to-revision=3

List Deployment History

  • Observation: If we rollback to revision 3, it will go back to revision-3 and its number increases to revision-5 in rollout history
    # List Deployment Rollout History
    kubectl rollout history deployment/my-first-deployment  

Access the Application using Public IP

  • We should see Application Version:V3 whenever we access the application in browser
    # Get NodePort
    kubectl get svc
    Observation: Make a note of port which starts with 3 (Example: 80:3xxxx/TCP). Capture the port 3xxxx and use it in application URL below. 
    # Get Public IP of Worker Nodes
    kubectl get nodes -o wide
    Observation: Make a note of "EXTERNAL-IP" if your Kubernetes cluster is setup on AWS EKS.
    # Application URL

AWS EKS - Elastic Kubernetes Service - Masterclass


Step-03: Rolling Restarts of Application

  • Rolling restarts will kill the existing pods and recreate new pods in a rolling fashion.
    # Rolling Restarts
    kubectl rollout restart deployment/<Deployment-Name>
    kubectl rollout restart deployment/my-first-deployment
    # Get list of Pods
    kubectl get po