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Deploy UserManagement Web Application with MySQL Database

Step-01: Introduction

  • We are going to deploy a User Management Web Application which will connect to MySQL Database schema webappdb during startup.
  • Then we can test the following APIs
  • Create Users
  • List Users
  • Delete User
Kubernetes Concepts YAML File
Deployment 05-UserMgmtWebApp-Deployment.yml
Environment Variables 05-UserMgmtWebApp-Deployment.yml
Init Containers 05-UserMgmtWebApp-Deployment.yml
Load Balancer Service 06-UserMgmtWebApp-Service.yml

Azure Kubernetes Service with Azure DevOps and Terraform

Step-02: Create following Kubernetes manifests

Create User Management Web Application k8s Deployment manifest

  • Environment Variables
Key Name Value
DB_PORT 3306
DB_NAME webappdb
DB_PASSWORD dbpassword11
  • Problem Observation:
  • If we deploy all manifests at a time, by the time mysql is ready our User Management Web Application pod will be throwing error due to unavailability of Database.
  • To avoid such situations, we can apply initContainers concept to our User management Web Application Deployment manifest.
  • We will see that in our next section but for now lets continue to test the application

Create User Management Web Application Load Balancer Service manifest

  • LoadBalancer Service

Step-03: Create UserManagement Web Application Deployment & Service

# Create Deployment & LoadBalancer Service
kubectl apply -f kube-manifests/

# List Pods
kubectl get pods

# Verify logs of Usermgmt Web Application Pod
kubectl logs -f <pod-name> 
# If we have only 1 pod, below commnad works well for getting the logs
kubectl logs -f $(kubectl get po  | egrep -o 'usermgmt-webapp-[A-Za-z0-9-]+')

# Verify sc, pvc, pv
kubectl get sc,pvc,pv
  • Access Application
    # List Services
    kubectl get svc
    # Access Application
    Username: admin101
    Password: password101

Step-04: Test User Management Web Application using Browser

  • Usecase-1: Login, List Users and Logout
  • Username: admin101
  • Password: password101
  • Usecase-2: Login, Create New User and Logout and login with new user
  • Username: admin101
  • Password: password101
  • Create New User
  • Login with newly user and list users
    • Username: admin102
    • Password: password102

Step-05: Verify Users in MySQL Database

# Connect to MYSQL Database
kubectl run -it --rm --image=mysql:5.6 --restart=Never mysql-client -- mysql -h mysql -pdbpassword11

# Verify usermgmt schema got created which we provided in ConfigMap
mysql> show schemas;
mysql> use usermgmt;
mysql> show tables;
mysql> select * from user;

Step-06: Clean-Up

  • Delete all k8s objects created as part of this section
    # Delete All
    kubectl delete -f kube-manifests/
    # List Pods
    kubectl get pods
    # Verify sc, pvc, pv
    kubectl get sc,pvc,pv
    # Delete PV Exclusively
    kubectl get pv
    kubectl delete pv <PV-NAME>
    # Delete Azure Disks 
    Go to All Services -> Disks -> Select and Delete the Disk

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