# Deploy
kubectl apply -f kube-manifests/apps
# List Pods, Deploy & Service
kubectl get pod
kubect get svc
# Access Application (Only if our Cluster is Public Subnet)
Step-03: Create a Horizontal Pod Autoscaler resource for the "hpa-demo-deployment"¶
This command creates an autoscaler that targets 20 percent CPU utilization for the deployment, with a minimum of one pod and a maximum of ten pods.
When the average CPU load is below 20 percent, the autoscaler tries to reduce the number of pods in the deployment, to a minimum of one.
When the load is greater than 20 percent, the autoscaler tries to increase the number of pods in the deployment, up to a maximum of ten
# HPA Imperative - Template
kubectl autoscale deployment <deployment-name> --cpu-percent=20 --min=1 --max=10
# HPA Imperative - Replace
kubectl autoscale deployment hpa-demo-deployment --cpu-percent=20 --min=1 --max=10
# HPA Declarative (Optional - If you use above imperative command this is just for reference)
kubectl apply -f kube-manifests/hpa-manifest/hpa-manifest.yml
# Describe HPA
kubectl describe hpa/hpa-demo-deployment
# List HPA
kubectl get horizontalpodautoscaler.autoscaling/hpa-demo-deployment
Step-04: Create the load & Verify how HPA is working¶
# Generate Load (new Terminal)
kubectl run apache-bench -i --tty --rm --image=httpd -- ab -n 500000 -c 1000 http://hpa-demo-service-nginx.default.svc.cluster.local/
# List all HPA
kubectl get hpa
# List specific HPA
kubectl get hpa hpa-demo-deployment
# Describe HPA
kubectl describe hpa/hpa-demo-deployment
# List Pods
kubectl get pods
Step-08: Create the load & Verify how HPA is working¶
# Generate Load
kubectl run apache-bench -i --tty --rm --image=httpd -- ab -n 500000 -c 1000 http://hpa-demo-service-nginx.default.svc.cluster.local/
# List all HPA
kubectl get hpa
# List specific HPA
kubectl get hpa hpa-demo-declarative
# Describe HPA
kubectl describe hpa/hpa-demo-declarative
# List Pods
kubectl get pods