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AKS Storage - Azure Disks

Step-01: Introduction

  • We are going to use Azure AKS provisioned storage class as part of this section

Azure Kubernetes Service with Azure DevOps and Terraform

Step-02: Use AKS Provisioned Azure Disks

  • Copy all templates from previous section
  • Remove Storage Class Manifest
  • Question-1: Why do we need to remove storage class Manifests?
  • Azure AKS provisions two types of storage classes well in advance during the cluster creation process
  • managed-premium
  • default-
  • We can leverage Azure AKS provisioned disk storage classes instead of what we created manually.
  • Question-2: If that is the case why did we use custom storate class in previous section?
  • That is for us to learn the kind: StorageClass concept.

Step-03: Review PVC Manifest 01-persistent-volume-claim.yml

  • Primarily we are going to focus on storageClassName: managed-premium which tells us that we are going to use Azure AKS provisioned Azure Disks storage class.
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
      name: azure-managed-disk-pvc
      - ReadWriteOnce
      storageClassName: managed-premium 
          storage: 5Gi  

Step-04: Deploy and Test

# Create MySQL Database
kubectl apply -f kube-manifests/

# List Storage Classes
kubectl get sc

# List PVC
kubectl get pvc 

# List PV
kubectl get pv

# List pods
kubectl get pods 

Step-05: Connect to MySQL Database

# Connect to MYSQL Database
kubectl run -it --rm --image=mysql:5.6 --restart=Never mysql-client -- mysql -h mysql -pdbpassword11

# Verify usermgmt schema got created which we provided in ConfigMap
mysql> show schemas;

Step-06: Clean-Up

# Delete all manifests
kubectl delete -f kube-manifests/

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