# Edit export statements to make any changes required as per your environment
# Execute below export statements
# Create Resource Group
az group create --location ${AKS_REGION} \
Step-02: Pre-requisite-2: Create Azure Virtual Network and Two Subnets¶
Create Azure Virtual Network
Create Two subnets one for regular AKS Cluster and second one for Azure Virtual Nodes
Subnet-1: aks-prod-default
Subnet-2: aks-prod-virtual-nodes
# Edit export statements to make any changes required as per your environment
# Execute below export statements
# Create Virtual Network & default Subnet
az network vnet create -g ${AKS_RESOURCE_GROUP} \
-n ${AKS_VNET} \
--address-prefix ${AKS_VNET_ADDRESS_PREFIX} \
--subnet-name ${AKS_VNET_SUBNET_DEFAULT} \
# Create Virtual Nodes Subnet in Virtual Network
az network vnet subnet create \
--resource-group ${AKS_RESOURCE_GROUP} \
--vnet-name ${AKS_VNET} \
# Get Virtual Network default subnet id
AKS_VNET_SUBNET_DEFAULT_ID=$(az network vnet subnet show \
--resource-group ${AKS_RESOURCE_GROUP} \
--vnet-name ${AKS_VNET} \
--query id \
-o tsv)
Step-02: Pre-requisite-3: Create Azure AD Group & Admin User¶
Create Azure AD Group: aksadmins
Create Azure AD User: aksadmin1 and associate to aksadmins ad group
# Create Azure AD Group
AKS_AD_AKSADMIN_GROUP_ID=$(az ad group create --display-name aksadmins --mail-nickname aksadmins --query objectId -o tsv)
# Create Azure AD AKS Admin User
# Replace with your AD Domain - aksadmin1@stacksimplifygmail.onmicrosoft.com
AKS_AD_AKSADMIN1_USER_OBJECT_ID=$(az ad user create \
--display-name "AKS Admin1" \
--user-principal-name aksadmin1@stacksimplifygmail.onmicrosoft.com \
--password @AKSDemo123 \
--query objectId -o tsv)
# Associate aksadmin User to aksadmins Group
az ad group member add --group aksadmins --member-id $AKS_AD_AKSADMIN1_USER_OBJECT_ID
# Make a note of Username and Password
Username: aksadmin1@stacksimplifygmail.onmicrosoft.com
Password: @AKSDemo123
Step-06: Pre-requisite-5: Get Azure AD Tenant ID and Set Windows Username Passwords¶
# List Kubernetes Versions available as on today
az aks get-versions --location ${AKS_REGION} -o table
# Get Azure Active Directory (AAD) Tenant ID
AZURE_DEFAULT_AD_TENANTID=$(az account show --query tenantId --output tsv)
Go to Services -> Azure Active Directory -> Properties -> Tenant ID
# Set Windows Server/Node Username & Password
# Configure Credentials
az aks get-credentials --name ${AKS_CLUSTER} --resource-group ${AKS_RESOURCE_GROUP}
# List Nodes
kubectl get nodes
URL: https://microsoft.com/devicelogin
Code: HL724557M
Username: aksadmin1@stacksimplifygmail.onmicrosoft.com
Password: @AKSDemo123
# Cluster Info
kubectl cluster-info
# List Node Pools
az aks nodepool list --cluster-name ${AKS_CLUSTER} --resource-group ${AKS_RESOURCE_GROUP} -o table
# List which pods are running in system nodepool from kube-system namespace
kubectl get pod -o=custom-columns=NODE-NAME:.spec.nodeName,POD-NAME:.metadata.name -n kube-system
Step-09: Verify Cluster Creation successfull with MSI¶
Review cluster creating output which came from command line
A successful cluster creation using managed identities contains this service principal profile information:
"servicePrincipalProfile": {
"clientId": "msi"
Step-10: Review the below message and fix it in next few steps¶
# Message
The cluster is an MSI cluster, please manually grant Network Contributor role to the system assigned identity after the cluster is created, see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/aks/use-managed-identit
Step-11: Get the Managed Service Identity (MSI) to our AKS Cluster¶
Make a note of principalId primarily
# Get the MSI of our AKS cluster
az aks show -g ${AKS_RESOURCE_GROUP} -n ${AKS_CLUSTER} --query "identity"
# Make a note of Info
"principalId": "dc80eb15-8121-469b-b038-46a32cd180b0",
"tenantId": "c81f465b-99f9-42d3-a169-8082d61c677a",
"type": "SystemAssigned",
"userAssignedIdentities": null
# Get MSI Principal ID
AKS_CLUSTER_MSI_PRINCIPALID=$(az aks show -g ${AKS_RESOURCE_GROUP} -n ${AKS_CLUSTER} --query "identity.principalId" -o tsv)
Step-12: Provide Access to AKS Cluster to access VNET (Optional for us)¶
Important Note-1: For creating and using your own VNet, static IP address, or attached Azure disk where the resources are outside of the worker node resource group, use the PrincipalID of the cluster System Assigned Managed Identity to perform a role assignment. For more information on role assignment
Important Note-2: Permission grants to cluster Managed Identity used by Azure Cloud provider may take up 60 minutes to populate.
This is optional and not needed for us. This is required only when our AKS VNET and AKS Worker Nodes both are in different resource groups
Example: VNET is in RG1 and AKS Cluster in RG2 then we need this step.
AKS_VNET_ID=$(az network vnet show --resource-group ${AKS_RESOURCE_GROUP} \
--name ${AKS_VNET} \
--query id \
-o tsv)
# Template
az role assignment create --assignee <appId> --scope <resourceScope> --role Contributor
# Replace values appID and Resource Scope
# resourceScope = ${AKS_VNET_ID}
az role assignment create --assignee ${AKS_CLUSTER_MSI_PRINCIPALID} \
--scope ${AKS_VNET_ID} \
--role Contributor