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Create Azure AKS Cluster Linux and Windows Node Pools

Step-01: Introduction

  • Create Windows and Linux Nodepools

Azure Kubernetes Service with Azure DevOps and Terraform

Step-02: Create Azure AKS Linux User Node Pool using Terraform

  • Understand about Terraform resource azurerm_kubernetes_cluster_node_pool
  • Create Azure AKS Linux User Node pool
  • Create a file named
    resource "azurerm_kubernetes_cluster_node_pool" "linux101" {
      availability_zones    = [1, 2, 3]
      enable_auto_scaling   = true
      kubernetes_cluster_id =
      max_count             = 3
      min_count             = 1
      mode                  = "User"
      name                  = "linux101"
      orchestrator_version  = data.azurerm_kubernetes_service_versions.current.latest_version
      os_disk_size_gb       = 30
      os_type               = "Linux" # Default is Linux, we can change to Windows
      vm_size               = "Standard_DS2_v2"
      priority              = "Regular"  # Default is Regular, we can change to Spot with additional settings like eviction_policy, spot_max_price, node_labels and node_taints
      node_labels = {
        "nodepool-type" = "user"
        "environment"   = "production"
        "nodepoolos"    = "linux"
        "app"           = "java-apps"
      tags = {
        "nodepool-type" = "user"
        "environment"   = "production"
        "nodepoolos"    = "linux"
        "app"           = "java-apps"

Step-03: Create Azure AKS Windows User Node Pool using Terraform

  • Create Azure AKS Windows User Node pool to run Windows workloads
  • Create a file named
    resource "azurerm_kubernetes_cluster_node_pool" "win101" {
      availability_zones    = [1, 2, 3]
      enable_auto_scaling   = true
      kubernetes_cluster_id =
      max_count             = 3
      min_count             = 1
      mode                  = "User"
      name                  = "win101"
      orchestrator_version  = data.azurerm_kubernetes_service_versions.current.latest_version
      os_disk_size_gb       = 30
      os_type               = "Windows" # Default is Linux, we can change to Windows
      vm_size               = "Standard_DS2_v2"
      priority              = "Regular"  # Default is Regular, we can change to Spot with additional settings like eviction_policy, spot_max_price, node_labels and node_taints
      #vnet_subnet_id        = 
      node_labels = {
        "nodepool-type" = "user"
        "environment"   = "production"
        "nodepoolos"    = "windows"
        "app"           = "dotnet-apps"
      tags = {
        "nodepool-type" = "user"
        "environment"   = "production"
        "nodepoolos"    = "windows"
        "app"           = "dotnet-apps"

Step-04: Deploy Terraform Manifests with nodepool additions (Linux & Windows)

# Change Directory 
cd 24-04-Create-AKS-NodePools-using-Terraform/terraform-manifests-aks

# Initialize Terraform
terraform init

# Validate Terraform manifests
terraform validate

# Review the Terraform Plan
terraform plan 

# Deploy Terraform manifests
terraform apply 

Step-05: Verify if Nodepools added successfully

# List Node Pools
az aks nodepool list --resource-group terraform-aks-dev --cluster-name  terraform-aks-dev-cluster --output table

# List Nodes using Labels
kubectl get nodes -o wide
kubectl get nodes -o wide -l nodepoolos=linux
kubectl get nodes -o wide -l nodepoolos=windows
kubectl get nodes -o wide -l environment=dev

Step-06: Deploy Sample Applications for all 3 node pools

  • Webserver App to System Nodepool
  • Sample Java App to Linux Nodepool
  • Dotnet App to Windows Nodepool
    # Change Directory 
    cd 24-04-Create-AKS-NodePools-using-Terraform/
    # Deploy All Apps
    kubectl apply -R -f kube-manifests/
    # List Pods
    kubectl get pods -o wide

Step-07: Access Applications

# List Services to get Public IP for each service we deployed 
kubectl get svc

# Access Webserver App (Running on System Nodepool)

# Access Java-App (Running on linux101 nodepool)
Username: admin101
Password: password101

# Access Windows App (Running on win101 nodepool)

Step-08: Destroy our Terraform Cluster

# Change Directory 
cd 24-04-Create-AKS-NodePools-using-Terraform/terraform-manifests-aks

# Destroy all our Terraform Resources
terraform destroy

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