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Google GKE Kubernetes - Masterclass


Kubernetes Concepts Covered

S.No Kubernetes Concept Name
1. Kubernetes Architecture
2. Pods
3. ReplicaSets
4. Deployments
5. Services - Node Port Service
6. Services - Cluster IP Service
7. Services - External Name Service
8. Services - Ingress Service
9. Services - Ingress SSL & SSL Redirect
10. Services - Ingress & External DNS
11. Imperative - with kubectl
12. Declarative - Declarative with YAML
13. Secrets
14. Init Containers
15. Liveness & Readiness Probes
16. Requests & Limits
17. Namespaces - Imperative
18. Namespaces - Limit Range
19. Namespaces - Resource Quota
20. Storage Classes
21. Persistent Volumes
22. Persistent Volume Claims
23. Services - Load Balancers
24. Annotations
25. Canary Deployments
26. HPA - Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
27. VPA - Vertical Pod Autoscaler
28. CA - Cluster Autoscaler
29. DaemonSets
30. DaemonSets - Fluentd for logs
31. Config Maps

List of Docker Images on Docker Hub

Application Name Docker Image Name
Simple Nginx V1 stacksimplify/kubenginx:1.0.0
Spring Boot Hello World API stacksimplify/kube-helloworld:1.0.0
Simple Nginx V2 stacksimplify/kubenginx:2.0.0
Simple Nginx V3 stacksimplify/kubenginx:3.0.0
Simple Nginx V4 stacksimplify/kubenginx:4.0.0
Backend Application stacksimplify/kube-helloworld:1.0.0
Frontend Application stacksimplify/kube-frontend-nginx:1.0.0
Kube Nginx App1 stacksimplify/kube-nginxapp1:1.0.0
Kube Nginx App2 stacksimplify/kube-nginxapp2:1.0.0
Kube Nginx App2 stacksimplify/kube-nginxapp2:1.0.0
User Management Microservice with MySQLDB stacksimplify/kube-usermanagement-microservice:1.0.0
User Management Microservice with H2 DB stacksimplify/kube-usermanagement-microservice:2.0.0-H2DB
User Management Microservice with MySQL DB and AWS X-Ray stacksimplify/kube-usermanagement-microservice:3.0.0-AWS-XRay-MySQLDB
User Management Microservice with H2 DB and AWS X-Ray stacksimplify/kube-usermanagement-microservice:4.0.0-AWS-XRay-H2DB
Notification Microservice V1 stacksimplify/kube-notifications-microservice:1.0.0
Notification Microservice V2 stacksimplify/kube-notifications-microservice:2.0.0
Notification Microservice V1 with AWS X-Ray stacksimplify/kube-notifications-microservice:3.0.0-AWS-XRay
Notification Microservice V2 with AWS X-Ray stacksimplify/kube-notifications-microservice:4.0.0-AWS-XRay

List of Docker Images you build in AWS ECR

Application Name Docker Image Name
AWS Elastic Container Registry
DevOps Usecase

Sample Applications

  • User Management Microservice
  • Notification Miroservice
  • Nginx Applications

Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?

  • You must have an AWS account to follow with me for hands-on activities.
  • You dont need to have any basic Docker or kubernetes knowledge to start this course.

Who are your target students?

  • AWS Architects or Sysadmins or Developers who are planning to master Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) for running applications on Kubernetes
  • Any beginner who is interested in learning kubernetes on cloud using AWS EKS.
  • Any beginner who is interested in learning Kubernetes DevOps and Microservices deployments on Kubernetes

Each of my courses come with

  • Amazing Hands-on Step By Step Learning Experiences
  • Real Implementation Experience
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