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YAML Basics

Step-01: Comments & Key Value Pairs

  • Space after colon is mandatory to differentiate key and value
    # Defining simple key value pairs
    name: kalyan
    age: 23
    city: Hyderabad

Step-02: Dictionary / Map

  • Set of properties grouped together after an item
  • Equal amount of blank space required for all the items under a dictionary
      name: kalyan
      age: 23
      city: Hyderabad

Step-03: Array / Lists

  • Dash indicates an element of an array
    person: # Dictionary
      name: kalyan
      age: 23
      city: Hyderabad
      hobbies: # List  
        - cycling
        - cookines
      hobbies: [cycling, cooking]   # List with a differnt notation  

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Step-04: Multiple Lists

  • Dash indicates an element of an array
    person: # Dictionary
      name: kalyan
      age: 23
      city: Hyderabad
      hobbies: # List  
        - cycling
        - cooking
      hobbies: [cycling, cooking]   # List with a differnt notation  
      friends: # 
        - name: friend1
          age: 22
        - name: friend2
          age: 25            

Step-05: Sample Pod Tempalte for Reference

apiVersion: v1 # String
kind: Pod  # String
metadata: # Dictionary
  name: myapp-pod
  labels: # Dictionary 
    app: myapp         
  containers: # List
    - name: myapp
      image: stacksimplify/kubenginx:1.0.0
        - containerPort: 80
          protocol: "TCP"
        - containerPort: 81
          protocol: "TCP"

Additional Referece

# Simple Key value Pairs
person: # Dictionary
  name: kalyan
  age: 23
  city: Hyderabd
  hobbies: # List
    - cooking
    - cycling
  friends: # Multiple lists
    - name: friend1
      age: 23
    - name: friend2
      age: 22
--- # YAML Document Separator
apiVersion: v1 # String
kind: Pod  # String
metadata: # Dictionary
  name: myapp-pod
  labels: # Dictionary 
    app: myapp    
    tier: frontend     
  containers: # List
    - name: myapp
      image: stacksimplify/kubenginx:1.0.0
      ports: # List
        - containerPort: 80
          protocol: "TCP"
        - containerPort: 81
          protocol: "TCP"